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Submitting Documents

Submitting Documents

This service allows you to upload medical documents, and any relevant paperwork we should see, in order to receive second opinions and significant connections to specialists, labs and treatments on a global level.

Important - documents should be submitted only after contacting our office, otherwise we can not process your requests.

You are welcome to contact our organization’s offices to hand in the request for medical assistance along with the necessary documentation, or you may upload them here following a phone conversation with the office. The organization will make contact with the relevant medical divisions to advise with top specialists, and then we will contact you and begin the process of guidance and support. This process includes medical guidance alongside the chairman Rabbi Yossi Margalit, access to the medical information applicable to your specific case, personal escort with our volunteers and all-inclusive medical support in hospitals.


File types and submission guidelines:

You may upload up to 10 documents of max. 5MB per each.

The following file types are acceptable: .jpeg, .jpg, .tiff, .tif, .png, .bmp, .pdf

Please do not send us password-protected files.

The documents must be photographed or scanned with good and readable quality.

©All rights reserved ‘Refua Shlema’ Organization 2022